Club Rules and Regulations
It is our aim to make the rules and regulations of the club fair for all swimmers and members. If anyone believes that any of the rules need amending this can be discussed at our Annual General Meeting or tabled at any of the Committee meetings.
Swimming membership will be open to all people interested in swimming. Parents of registered children are non-swimming members. Non-swimming membership is also open to approved persons who are interested in furthering the purpose of the Club.
Membership must be approved by the Committee and can be terminated or refused at the discretion of the Committee. Members agree to comply with these Rules or risk their membership being terminated.
Applications for membership must be made
via website registration with the correct fees paid in full by the end of the
fourth week of term. Failure to pay fees will make you ineligible to swim
until such time as the fees are paid.
People interested in joining the Club are entitled to a trial of one Friday Club Night. They then must then become registered financial members to compete on a Friday Club Night and in Club Championships or Carnivals.
Membership will be open to any person qualified under Rule M01 – who may be a member of another swimming club. No clearance from that club is necessary.
Committee Members of the Club will be elected at each Annual General Meeting for the season. All persons elected as Committee Members must become Members (non-swimming) of the Club. All committee members must become a member of the P&C Association. The Executive members of the Club will be Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and have a current Blue Card.
No more than one person from any one family can hold signatory rights on club accounts.
Only parents or guardians of registered members (swimmers) will be entitled to vote at meetings.
Members must at all times obey the instructions of any Official. Willful or persistent disobedience of official’s instructions or conduct liable to bring discredit to the Club or Officials, will result in suspension of that Member by the Senior Office Bearer present. A suspended member will be sent one warning letter by the Committee and if the need then arises be summoned before the Committee to show cause why his/her membership should not be suspended or terminated.
Individuals not involved in an official or competitive capacity on Friday Club nights, Inter-club carnivals or championship events are not permitted on pool deck whilst events are underway. Any issues needing clarification can be dealt with in writing or at a committee meeting. The referee’s decision is final.
Competition may be arranged by the Committee from time to time during the season against other Clubs. Dates and times of these will be notified to members as they are organised.
This club and its registered members are bound by the rules in this handbook.
A swimmer who has suffered from vomiting, diarrhoea or other contagious infections in the preceding 24-hour period shall not enter the pool until they have been free of symptoms for at least 24 hours. If any person has COVID-19 symptoms do not attend training, lessons or swim club.
It is not the responsibility of the Coach or any Member of the Committee to supervise unattended children who remain in the vicinity of the pool outside their allocated training time.